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Internet Keywords


A user is a person who uses a Browser to access the internet.


A browser is a computer program with a graphical user interface for displaying HTML files, used to navigate the World Wide Web.


A Device is a CPU that has access to the internet via the ISP.


ISP stands for Internet Service Provider and is the company that you pay and they give you access to the internet in return.


A webpage is a HTML document conected to the World Wide Web.

URLs and IPs

The difference between an IP and a URL is that a URL is meant to make it easier for the user to find the webpage that they want, but each URL is connected to an IP adress which is the more complicated way to access the webpage made up of several numbers.

World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is a system on the internet which anyone can access webpages that other people have published.

More information on the WWW: Click Me!


A modem is a combined device for modulation and demodulation, for example, between the digital data of a computer and the analogue signal of a telephone line.


A network is a group or system of interconnected people or things.

Web Server

A web server is a program that uses HTTP to serve the files that form Web pages to users, in response to their requests, which are forwarded by their computers' HTTP clients. Dedicated computers and appliances may be referred to as Web servers as well.

Fiber Optic Cable

A fiber optic cable is a cable consisting of one or more thin flexible fibres with a glass core through which light signals can be sent with very little loss of strength.

Web Hosting

Web Hosting is a company which store your website files. when you buy a plan with the company they allocate a set amount of storage for your website. Then when users want to access your website their computors connect to the Web Hosts servers where your website is being stored.

More information on web hosting: Click Me!


When a file is being sent from one device to another it is split up into several groups which are put into packets. The packets will then be sent to the other device, they may not all take the same route to get to the other device, but when they all arive they are put back together again so that you have the entirety of the file.